Our club is currently involved in FOUR projects:
1. Christmas Ornaments for the Festival of Trees put on by the Orlando Museum of Arts, November 10-19th, 2023.
For more information about this years ornaments click on this link: https://centralfloridawoodturners.org/festival-of-trees
2. Wig-Stands for Cancer Patients. This is an ongoing project.
For more information about turning wig-stands click on this link: https://centralfloridawoodturners.org/wig-stands
3. Beads of Courage Bowls. This also is an ongoing project.
For more information about turning wig-stands click on this link: https://centralfloridawoodturners.org/beads-of-courage
4. WAND BLANKS for Maker Faire Orlando 2023. The board has asked members to rough turn spindle blanks about 12” long x 1-1/4” diameter with a tenon about 3/4” long and 1/8” narrower than the main spindle.
For more information click on this link: https://centralfloridawoodturners.org/wand-blanks-for-maker-faire-orlando-2023