Women in Turning (WIT) is the newest committee of the AAW, bringing together women worldwide who share a passion for woodturning. WIT is dedicated to encouraging and assisting women in their pursuit of turning, to sharing ideas and
processes to further members’ skills and creativity, and to increasing participation of women in the field of woodturning.

Meeting of WIT Representatives at the Florida Woodturning Symposium 2/3/2023
The Club’s WIT Liaison Officer works with the President and the Executive Board of the Chapter.
His/her duties include:
(1) Work with chapter executive board to increase the number of women in the chapter and AAW,
(2) Expand outreach and mentor women,
(3) Direct women chapter members to WIT resources and opportunities.
(4) Serve as a point of contact for process on AAW WIT grants for new AAW membership for women.
WIT at Danny’s
On February 17th we met at Danny’s and Wendy turned her first turning ever! It was a beautiful bowl!

On March 10th we met again and turned some WIG-STANDS.