Greg Gallegos is a young, up-and-coming turner who will be traveling from Michigan to visit our club in April. Greg specializes in green wood thin turnings including his signature “podlets,” as well as hollow forms. He also has a very exciting and fresh approach to texturing and surface treatments.
• Thursday, April 16 at 7:30pm, we will have an introduction and short turning demo by Greg at our April monthly meeting at Woodcraft – 8155 S. Highway 17/92, Fern Park, FL
• Friday, April 17 from 9 am to 4 pm Greg will be conducting a hands-on workshop at the Central Florida Woodturners Learning Center – 4311 Golden Gem Rd., Apopka FL. The cost for this workshop is $65 (and includes a catered lunch). We only have 12 lathes available, so sign up now. First come, first served.
• Saturday, April 18 from 9 am to 2 pm+/- Greg will put on a longer, more detailed demonstration covering his turning and finishing techniques. This demo will also be held at the Club’s Learning Center – 4311 Golden Gem Rd., Apopka FL. We have approximately 40 spaces for this demo. Cost is only $35 and also includes a catered lunch. Sign up now, first come first served.
To sign up now and save your spot, contact Kent Weakley at kw@TurnAWoodBowl.com. Cash or checks only at this time. Please mail checks, made out to “Central Florida Woodturners” to Kent Weakley, 5531 SW 7th Ave. Rd., Ocala, FL 34471. If an event fills up, we will add your name to the waitlist and you will be in line if someone drops out.